Stardew Valley Item Finder

This tool extracts information about all of your items in Stardew Valley and displays it in a table. The table shows the items’ names, locations, and prices.


You’ll need to upload your save file below to begin. Your save file is named Name_123456789, where Name is your player’s name and 123456789 is a random 9-digit number. The save file can be found in one of the following folders:

Linux and macOS

You can sort the table by clicking on the headers, and you can download the table as a TSV file to use in Excel. You can also click on an item name to view its description from the Stardew Valley Wiki.


This tool runs entirely inside the browser. Your save file is never sent across the network.

Source code repository located at Inspired by the Stardew Fair Helper.

For support, feedback, and general questions, please submit an issue on GitHub.

Advanced Usage

Offline Use

This tool fully supports offline usage. After the first load, no internet access is required.

Regular Expressions

The filter fully supports Regular Expressions. For most users, the most important part is that you can search for multiple items at a time by separating them with a pipe (|). For example, to show all carrots and potatoes, you would type carrot|potato.

Running from the Command Line

Advanced users can convert their save files to TSV on the command line. First, you’ll need to download the XSLT files from the source code repository. Then, using xsltproc:

xsltproc items.xslt Name_123456789 | xsltproc items-to-tsv.xslt - > items.tsv